I'm just reminiscing today about when the kids were little, and running around the house, and at their granny & papa Crisp's house!
For some reason, I remember this song, as I reflect on some of my memories. I looked for it on YouTube, but nothing found!
~Please Take Time~
Mom and Dad I know you hurry though each day of work and worry.
But this is a reminder that I bring.
Just a little time I'm small,
Seems like hardly any time at all.
Soon these precious years will pass and so I sing.
Please take time to play,
Take the time to pray.
So quickly time will pass and I'll be grown.
Take time to take my hand time to love and understand.
Please take the time before the time's all gone.
When my life was all brand new,
God gave the job to you
To teach my how to love and how to live.
Teach me how to kneel in prayer,
Believing Christ will meet me there,
Trusting Calv'rys price my sins will all forgive.
Please take time to play,
Take the time to pray.
So quickly time will pass and I'll be grown.
Take time to take my hand time to love and understand.
Please take the time before the time's all gone.
Now while my heart is tender you can teach me to surrender,
For I look to your example and long to please.
But the time will someday come when opportunity is done,
And as the twigs were bent will grow the tree.
Please take time to play,
Take the time to pray.
So quickly time will pass and I'll be grown.
Take time to take my hand time to love and understand.
Please take the time before the time's all gone.
I'll return here for more memories, but gotta run off to the paper mill, here in West Point, Va, and work the 7-7 night shift!
Stay tuned, and leave a comment of your memories, and I can respond to them!
Dad, aka Uncle Barry